This section contains helpful bits, commentary, How-tos and tips written up in HTML or Text format. If you would like to contribute or have an appropriate link, please contact me.
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I (me, Walt O'Hara) am working on a comprehensive first draft called "How to Create Gameboxes in Cyberboard". This is part of a larger project called "Cyberboard Open Documentation Project" This will eventually come togther with the "How to play a PBeM game using Cyberboard Tutorial (#6 above) to provide some comprehensive online documentation for Cyberboard. Work is proceeding slowly... because there is so much to do. You can help me! I need volunteers that are willing to write to an outline that I will provide. Please contact me at for details. Thanks!
Proposed OUTLINE.
Elements of the Program: Cyberboard Designer and Player
The "Boxed Game" design paradigm
Elements of a Game (I've got to here written)
How to make Gameboxes
Menu Overview
A General Procedure Creating gameboxes
Box Creation
Tilesets for Counters
Tilesets for Terrain
Tilesets for Markers
Creating a Multilevel Map from scratch
Using Scanned Objects for maps
Tips for Creating Gameboxes
How to PLAY Games using Cyberboard
Tutorial 6 follows
Tutorial 10 follows