How to SETUP TO PLAY a PBeM game using Cyberboard

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  1. (Prerequisites) You should have the latest version of Cyberboard on your computer.  You should have the gamebox for the legally owned paper copy of the game you are about to play, and an opponent (unless you are playing solitaire).  You should also (important) have a SCENARIO for the game you are about to play.  These are usually included with the gamebox and described in the rulebooks of most games that have scenarios.  If you don't have one, you will have to make one (to be addressed in another tutorial).
  2. Open Cyberboard PLAYER Module (the one with the yellowish dot).  Select "new".  Select "Game".  You will be prompted with a scenario selection box, as shown in Figure One.  Select your scenario.  In this instance we select the Gettysburg scenario "Day 3".
  3. You will see the map and a Game Project dialogue box come up, maybe some counter trays as well.  If the scenario starts with counters on the map, you will see them on the map already.  See Figure Two.  Save your file with something memorable, like "Waltvs.EdGttytrn3".  The suffix for Game files is GAM.  SEND THIS TO YOUR OPPONENT.
  4. Move pieces around that are on the map, or click and drag new pieces coming onto the map (within the structure of the scenario file) using click and drag methods.  See Figure Three.
  5. Conduct combats.  Use the message dialogue box (and any handy markers included in the gamebox) to announce combats.  Use the dice roller on the "Roll Dice" button to resolve these combats. See Figures Four and Five.
  6. AFTER YOU ARE FINISHED with all the moves you are going to make, save the file.   Give it a meaningful name.  See Figure Six.  You will be prompted to leave a description of what happened during the turn.  See Figure Seven.  You'll generate a Move File, suffixed with GMV.  SEND THIS TO YOUR OPPONENT.  See Figure Eight.
  7. Your opponent will process your turn and send a GMV file back to you, theoretically.
  8. When you get it back, save the attachment to your cyberboard directory where you are storing your game and moves. 
  9. Double click on the GAM file, which will open up to the game AT THE POINT WHERE YOU SENT YOUR MOVE to the opponent.  Click on File, Load Recorded Move.  Select the GMV file your opponent sent you.
  10. Review the PLAYBACK from your opponent, if everything looks okay, hit the ACCEPT button.  See Figure Ten for the Playback controls, which are kind of like a MIDI player.
  11. Move your pieces in response to your opponent's move, and start from Step 4 (above) again.  Repeat until the game is done.

Tutorial verbiage copyright Walter O'Hara 1999

Cyberboard copyright Dale Larson and Norsesoft 1998.