Selecting a Scenario

Figure One: Select a Scenario

Starting a new Game

Figure Two: Initial Game Project after Scenario has been selected. Note that the map shows pieces already on the board.   This is defined in the electronic scenario file, created separately.

Moving and Attacking with Counters

Figure Three: moving counters around the map.

Sending a message that specifies Attack One (Pender vs. Reynolds)

Figure Four: An attack is marked and announced...

Setting up a dice roll...

...and the results

Figures Five: ... and rolled.   Send the results to the turn file by hitting "Send Now". 

Saving the MOVE file

Figure Six:  Saving a turn.

Appending a description to the GMV file

Figure Seven: Always Append a Meaningful Description of the turn's events.

Mailing your move file

images/Figure Eight: Send the Move File to your opponent.

Loading your opponents' reply move

Figure Nine: Load the move you just got back into your game file.

Controls to playback your opponents move before accepting it.

Figure Ten: Use these controls to run the playback on your game.