The Flying Carpet of Baghdad
Hidreema Djeenie, Pilot

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Figure: Loaner from Mr. Chick Lewis. 
Carpet:  Picture from the Internet, Printed.
Flyer (Human Powered)
(S Class)
The Flying Harness
The Birdman of Biloxi, Pilot

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Figure: Games Workshop "Leonardo-style" flying figure, mounted on homemade flight stand.
Clockwork Vehicle, 2 Wheeler (S Class) The Klaw
Kapitan Kruger, IGA, Pilot

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Straight Eureka Figure
Steam Two Wheeler
(S Class)
The Boston Brahmin
Oliver Van Landingham, Pilot

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Steam 4 Wheeler
(M Class)
Colonel Prunesqualor's Peculiar Conveyance
(aka "The Darning Needle")
Col Hampstead Prunesqualor, Pilot

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Conversion: ERTL wagon (Chuck Wagon Set), ERTL farm "vat" to make the boiler, piano wire, small pipes, a wooden bead for the steam vent and a dowel for the stack.  RAFM's Space 1889 Officer as Col. Prunesqualor.
Human Powered Pennyfarthing
(S Class)
Standard Issue Army Bicycle.
LT. Krondstadt, Austria Hungary, Pilot
wpe7.jpg (7225 bytes) Conversion: Foundry cavalry figure (lancer), piano wire lance, Eureka Pennyfarthing, Warflag flag.  Sgt. O'Brien, 7th Cavalry, is behind him-- a Dixon figure mounted similarly.
The Enforcer
(XL Class)
Texas Ranger Steam Tank
(military use only, not competing)

"Motley", crew

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Scratch Built: OnLOAN for the race from David Markley, ColonialWars listmember.
From the downloadable template on the Compact Combat site.  Too large and heavy to really race with; used in race to enforce racing rules.
The Wind Wagon
(L Class)
"Booze Kills" (on loan to the Cow Town Temperance Society)
Commodore Yancy Yates, USN, Pilot
(Cow Town Temperance Society, Passengers)

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Conversion: Pencil Sharpener Souvenier wagon, wooden dowel mast, muslin sails (sewn), small wooden and sculpy platform for the Commodore up front.
Military Unicycle
(S Class)
Standard Issue Military Unicycle
The Referee, Pilot

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Straight Eureka Figure
Steam Powered
2 Wheeler (M Class)
Araphao Steam Pony
Chief Pantagruel, Pilot

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Conversion: Legs and motorcycle from obscure Grenadier SF line, upper torso Demonblade "Techno Shaman" Miniature, cow Skull Dixon, flag from American Indian Arapaho Site.


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Racer's Turning Template.  Blue is safe.  Red is a Balance Check.
wpeD.jpg (3694 bytes) The Grandstand.  Constructed from scratch by David Markley.  The black figure is Queen Victoria.

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Racing flags.  These little red flags lay out the course direction.  To deviate from the course is to invite a Cad check (if the Ref sees you).
wpeF.jpg (4816 bytes) Wind Direction.  This becomes VERY important for Wind Driven vehicles such as the Anarchist Skatesail and the Wind Wagon.  Soon, it will effect Flyers as well.