Supernatural Flyer |
The Flying Carpet of Baghdad Hidreema Djeenie, Pilot |
Figure: Loaner from Mr. Chick Lewis. Carpet: Picture from the Internet, Printed. |
Flyer (Human Powered) (S Class) |
The Flying Harness The Birdman of Biloxi, Pilot |
Figure: Games Workshop "Leonardo-style" flying figure, mounted on homemade flight stand. | |
Clockwork Vehicle, 2 Wheeler (S Class) | The Klaw Kapitan Kruger, IGA, Pilot |
Straight Eureka Figure | |
Steam Two Wheeler (S Class) |
The Boston Brahmin Oliver Van Landingham, Pilot |
Ditto | |
Steam 4 Wheeler (M Class) |
Colonel Prunesqualor's Peculiar Conveyance (aka "The Darning Needle") Col Hampstead Prunesqualor, Pilot |
Conversion: ERTL wagon (Chuck Wagon Set), ERTL farm "vat" to make the boiler, piano wire, small pipes, a wooden bead for the steam vent and a dowel for the stack. RAFM's Space 1889 Officer as Col. Prunesqualor. | |
Human Powered Pennyfarthing (S Class) |
Standard Issue Army Bicycle. LT. Krondstadt, Austria Hungary, Pilot |
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Conversion: Foundry cavalry figure (lancer), piano wire lance, Eureka Pennyfarthing, Warflag flag. Sgt. O'Brien, 7th Cavalry, is behind him-- a Dixon figure mounted similarly. |
The Enforcer (XL Class) |
Texas Ranger Steam Tank (military use only, not competing) "Motley", crew |
Scratch Built: OnLOAN for the race from David Markley,
ColonialWars listmember. From the downloadable template on the Compact Combat site. Too large and heavy to really race with; used in race to enforce racing rules. |
The Wind Wagon (L Class) |
"Booze Kills" (on loan to the Cow
Town Temperance Society) Commodore Yancy Yates, USN, Pilot (Cow Town Temperance Society, Passengers) |
Conversion: Pencil Sharpener Souvenier wagon, wooden dowel mast, muslin sails (sewn), small wooden and sculpy platform for the Commodore up front. | |
Military Unicycle (S Class) |
Standard Issue Military Unicycle The Referee, Pilot |
Straight Eureka Figure | |
Steam Powered 2 Wheeler (M Class) |
Araphao Steam Pony Chief Pantagruel, Pilot |
Conversion: Legs and motorcycle from obscure Grenadier SF line, upper torso Demonblade "Techno Shaman" Miniature, cow Skull Dixon, flag from American Indian Arapaho Site. | |
Racer's Turning Template. Blue is safe. Red is a Balance Check. | |
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The Grandstand. Constructed from scratch by David Markley. The black figure is Queen Victoria. |
Racing flags. These little red flags lay out the course direction. To deviate from the course is to invite a Cad check (if the Ref sees you). | |
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Wind Direction. This becomes VERY important for Wind Driven vehicles such as the Anarchist Skatesail and the Wind Wagon. Soon, it will effect Flyers as well. |