The fighting gets intense as the crustials disintergrate

Hot Spot

Play By Email Support Page

By Walter O'Hara

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This game is pretty wacky. The premise for the game calls for extensive suspension of disbelief-- two rival forces battling for control of the surface of a planet covered with molten lava. The military units float around on the lava on rapidly disintegrating armoured platforms or pieces of stabilized rock called crustals. The game becomes a race against time. Who will control the central crustal by game's end? Will the Assault platforms hold together long enough to capture a few crustals? Sure, it's contrived, and wasn't considered one of Metagaming's finer moments. Still, I like it and had some fun designing this gamebox.

NOTICE: This Gamebox is created using Dale Larson's excellent Play By Email utility, Cyberboard (the poor man's Aide De Camp!)

Visit the Cyberboard website by following this link

HOT SPOTis copyright, Metagaming, 1980.

Designer: Bill Armintrout
Editing/Development: various

As near as I can tell, the game can be played with this set without any special modifications for PBEM.

The Action

Some hot action in HOT SPOT.

The graphic above illustrates a dramatic moment in the fight for the central Crustal. Two Ziegler troops and a Crawler have captured Crustal J. A Ziegler soldier is on Assault Platform 3 nearby, being attacked by flier. A mercenary is on the two hex crustal, two of his mates are on the central Crustal nearby.

Turn Record

The Hot Spot Turn Track, showing the game sequence.

How to get the files

Download Gamebox:

Hot Spot Gamebox (zipped)

Related Links/Resources:

Bill Armintrout also designed OneWorld

Bill talks about his designs here


This page content copyright, Walter O'Hara 1998